In Slovenia I had the opportunity to photograph and film brown bears (from photo covers to be on the safe side).
More than 600 brown bears live in the Slovenian mountains. (As of 2017) Every year 50 bears are released for shooting so that control can still be guaranteed.
Even so, the population increases every year. Thus, the success is guaranteed, that this species can develop and remain here, even cross the national borders!
These recordings were made on June 7, 2018 near Cerknica, almost on the Croatian border.
In cooperation with www.naturfotowerkstatt.at accompanied by Robert Haasmann

Useful information
The European brown bear lives mainly in large-scale forest areas and mountain forests. You have an individually large action area (on average 100 km²) and hike depending on the season and the food supply. The brown bear occurs at heights of up to 5,000 meters. Decisive for a suitable habitat for the bear is a sufficient supply of food, the possibility of being able to evade humans at any time and an offer of protected caves for the hibernation, into which they can withdraw in late autumn. In addition to the rock caves, self-dug caves under rhizomes or wind throws serve as winter storage. Suitable habitats are above all the Alps and low mountain ranges with large, contiguous forest areas. The omnivores are 75% vegetarian. In summer and autumn mostly berries, acorns, beechnuts and chestnuts. In addition to grasses, herbs and flowers, nuts and mushrooms are also on their menu. Bears are not good hunters. Animal food is still an important source of protein and energy. The carrion of ungulates that fell victim to winter and fish are welcome. Insects (ants, wasps, bees) also serve as a source of protein. Of these animals, however, hardly any healthy, adult animals fall victim to them. They mostly kill and eat sick or decrepit animals as well as young animals. Brown bears usually live solitary. Brief connections occur during the mating season from April to August. The males want to prevent the females from reproducing with other animals. The only lasting bond is that of the mother and her offspring.
(Quelle: WWF. www.wwf.at/de/biologie-der-braunbaeren)